Foreign policy of middle powers: Sweden’s case


  • Olha Hanzii Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University


Middle powers serve as newsworthy example in the sphere of modern international relations research. Case of a state with average indicators in terms of power and capabilities but owing the ability to pursue an active foreign policy and influence the formation of the international agenda, increasing the interest of the world community in important and relevant issues, is more than needed to be analyzed. The case of Sweden in this dimension is significant as this, in many aspects, middle and not superior country has been able to run a highly influential and appreciated foreign policy. Sweden plays a role in the international arena that far exceeds its political, military, and economic parameters. Therefore, Sweden‘s example as a middle power state is the very experience of effectively constructing model of the foreign policy process organization, which can be effective for building the foreign policy of other states, including Ukraine.


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I. Political sciences, international relations, historical studies and archaeology