British media as an instrument for creating an image of the royal family


  • Iryna Maksymova Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University


The monarch is the image and the face of the country. People are watching them closely and tracking every word of theirs, as well as their act, therefore, they should be very careful in their actions. The same is relevant for all the members of the royal family. It is becoming more special and increasingly important because of the growing influence of the media which now impact our lives. The British royal family owe the mass media their extreme popularity throughout the world, but this also had its own price – now there is not a single step, no mistake that can be kept in secret, and at least the whole Europe will speak about it the next day.
This paper is about the most highlighted and scandalous events of the royal family that British media are so much fond of.


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I. Political sciences, international relations, historical studies and archaeology