Environmental safety as a component of Ukrainian national security


  • Nataliia Humenna Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University


Environmental issues have long been the subject of both national and global politics. The ecological crisis, which is progressing every year, affects all aspects of life and can depress the socio-economic and political situation both within countries and in the international arena.
To emphasize the importance of environmental security, let us take into account the Paris Climate Agreement, which defines climate change as a common problem for humanity. With this agreement, the countries have established an enhanced system of transparency regarding greenhouse gas emissions [6]. When the United States, led by Donald Trump, withdrew from the agreement in 2020, the international community was moved by the question of the appropriateness of a climate agreement without the United States. However, already in 2021, President Biden, on the first day of his presidency, signed a document to return the United States to the Paris Climate Agreement, because he considers it the basis for global action to avoid a disaster.


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I. Political sciences, international relations, historical studies and archaeology