Ukrainian diaspora and the international image of Ukraine


  • Mariia Medvedieva Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University


A positive image of the country is always important. Unfortunately, the image of Ukraine is fragmentary and limited to Chernobyl, the Orange Revolution and the ―post-communist country. In recent years, Euromaidan and the protracted Russian aggression added to the list.
In international relations, a bad or missing reputation is viewed as a weakness and a problem for public policy. Ukraine must build a positive image in the international arena. The formation of a positive image for Ukraine is one of the main tasks for foreign policy. One of the most effective tools can be close cooperation with the Ukrainian diaspora who is a carrier of the Ukrainian language, culture, mentality, and worldview, with which citizens of the countries of emigration Ukrainian can coexist.


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I. Political sciences, international relations, historical studies and archaeology