International organizations’ role in resolving the conflict in eastern Ukraine


  • Anastasiia Holovko Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University


The conflict in eastern Ukraine is taking place in modern conditions and affects not only every Ukrainian but the world community as a whole. Many international organizations are interested in resolving this conflict, helping to overcome the crisis through the introduction of certain missions, providing economic, technical, medical and humanitarian assistance.
The policy problem of this study is that there is insufficient involvement of third parties in resolving the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Thus, the international community should pay even more attention to what is happening in Ukraine, respond to requests from the Ukrainian side for assistance in various fields and involve third parties who will provide important material, technical, economic and humanitarian assistance, create certain measures and initiatives. to overcome the crisis, or will develop already established programs and initiatives.


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I. Political sciences, international relations, historical studies and archaeology