The image of Ukraine in the world media


  • Antonina Shevchuk Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University


In the 21st century mediatization absorbs all spheres of society, and, hence, international relations. The laws of the media create reality and thus can affect the agenda, the consumer's perception of information on a particular event, situation, political player. Therefore, for the state as a subject of international relations, the image in the world media plays an important strategic role for the image, its public diplomacy and in many other important areas. The main source from where the foreign community receives information about Ukraine is the global media. Contradictory and ambiguous image of Ukraine in the world media, as well as mostly negative connotations of reports about Ukraine in the global network, directly affect the image of the state in the IR system.


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I. Political sciences, international relations, historical studies and archaeology