Metaphorical vocabulary in the novel of Dara Korniy «The Diary of Mavka»


  • Anastasiia Zhyhai Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University


In the article the functions of metaphorical vocabulary in the modern Ukrainian language have been researched; metaphors in Dara Korniy's novel «The Diary of Mavka» have been analyzed according to the semantic and stylistic criteria. Metaphor is one of the most productive tools of language enrichment, at the same time it is a means of conceptualizing reality and forming public views. Often, we do not even think that a particular expression or phrase is metaphorical, because their imagery is no longer observed. Metaphor is an integral part of any literary style, language, speech. It permeats our daily lives. The theory of metaphor foundations were laid in antiquity (the works by Aristotle, Cicero and oth.). In a broad cultural sense, this concept is used not only in linguistics, but also in philosophy, psychology, literary criticism. Even the oldest orator of ancient Rome, Cicero, noted: «There is no path more brilliant, which gives the language the most vivid images than metaphor» [1]. The most prominent thinkers — Aristotle, Rousseau, Hegel, Ernst Cassirer, Jose Antonio Ortega and many others studied the metaphor issues. Metaphor still attracts the attention of various sciences and studies, which define its essence differently. In linguistics, the study of metaphorization has become especially relevant (Nina Arutyunova, Yuri Karaulov, Veronica Teliia, Viktor Kharchenko, etc.).


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ІІІ. Philological sciences