Derivation in marketing terminology


  • Olha Fedchenko Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University


In modern English, there are several types of word formation, each of which is important and has its own specific features. Different types of word formation provide opportunities for a quality understanding of English terms and characterize the features of language culture. Marketing terminology is highly dynamic part of business discourse, with new terms emerging due to the developments in this field. Thus, studying the ways the marketing terms are formed is topical and relevant.


English grammar: ways of word creation (date of claim : not specified) [Electronic resourse]. Retrived from :

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Панько Т.І. Від терміна до системи // Львів, 1979. 121с.

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Русско-английский экономический словарь = Russian-English Economic dictionary : более 80000 терминов и терминологич. сочетаний / И. Ф. Жданова. М. : Рус. яз., 1999. - 879 с.

Russko-anhlyiskyi еkonomycheskyi slovar = Russian-English Economic dictionary : bolee 80000 termynov i termynolohych. sochetanii / Y. F. Zhdanova. M. : Rus. yaz., 1999. 879 s. [in Russian]






ІІІ. Philological sciences