Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement: new opportunities for ukrainian business.


  • Oleksandr Zastup Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
  • L.G. Sarkisyan Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University


The Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA) signed on July 11, 2016, and entered into force August 1, 2017, represents an important milestone in the Canada–Ukraine bilateral relationship. CUFTA will support the economic reform and development efforts of the Government of Ukraine, strengthen the Canada-Ukraine partnership for peace and prosperity, and help to pave the way for long-term security, stability, and broad-based economic development in Ukraine.

Біографії авторів

Oleksandr Zastup, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

4th year student, Faculty of Economics, Specialism “International Business”

L.G. Sarkisyan, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

PhD in Economics, Ass.Prof.


Українська дипломатична енциклопедія: У 2-х т. / Редкол.: Л.В. Губерський (голова) та ін. — К.: Знання України, 2004. — Т.1 — 233 c. Ukrayinska dyplomatychna entsyklopediia: U 2-kh t. [Ukrainian Diplomatic Encyclopedia] / Redkol: L. V. Huberskyi (holova) ta inshi. – K.: Znannia Ukrainy, 2004. – T.1 – 233 s.

Світова економіка: підручник. Посібник для вузів / ред. І.О. Миколаєва. – 2-й вид. – М., 167 c. Svitova ekonomika: pidruchnyk. Posibnyk dlia vuziv [World Economy: textbook. A manual for universities] / red. I.O. Mykolaieva. - 2-y vyd. – M., 167 s.




Economic sciences