The dynamics of relationship changes between Nato and the Russian Federation after the Crimea annexation and the eastern Ukraine conflict.
Official relations between Russia and NATO were established in 1991 at the founding meeting of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. In the same year the Strategic Concept was adopted which identified updated security approaches. In 1994, as well as most of former socialist countries, Russia joined the Partnership for Peace program, the main program of cooperation in the field of security and defense between NATO and partner countries. In 1997, the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security between Russia and NATO was signed, which declared the pursuit of a common goal – building a lasting and universal peace in the Euro-Atlantic area.
Though, later relationship between NATO and Russia started getting worse. Initially, NATO enlargement (1999, 2004), then Yugoslav intervention (1999), US exit from the ABM Treaty (2001), invasion of Iraq (2003), support for anti-Russian sentiment in Ukraine and Georgia, South Ossetian conflict (2008), the Ukrainian crisis (2013), the Crimea annexation (2014), the conflict in the east of Ukraine which is still in progress – all these events had a significant impact on the relations between Russia and NATO.
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