The role of «soft power» in chinese education system.


  • Serhii Nasadiuk Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University


Today, a cultural factor is one of the key elements of the socalled "soft power". In the whole world the influence of this aspect on the general socio-economic processes, interstate relations and ties is increasing. In international politics it has obtained a new meaning nowadays. Accordingly, many states are beginning to pay more attention to their cultural policies, the term "external cultural policy" is being increasingly used as export, dissemination and popularization of national culture or, conversely, rejection of foreign cultural expansion becomes a more effective instrument of foreign policy. Foreign cultural policy can also serve as an effective ideological tool that helps to carry out foreign policy strategies of states, creating a solid foundation that would allow them to promote and defend their national interests in the international arena, and, as well, have a significant impact on social development processes.

Біографія автора

Serhii Nasadiuk, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

4th year student, Faculty of History, Specialism “International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studios”


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Political and legal sciences, historical studies