Educational migration of Ukrainian citizens to China, South Korea and Japan.
Globalization processes in the world economy are becoming more and more intense in the course of time. On the one hand, globalization expands the opportunities of individual countries regarding the use of intellectual resources; on the other hand, global processes greatly exacerbate the competition that poses a real threat to countries with low and middle incomes. Educational migration is one of the main factors of global redistribution of intellectual and labor resources in favor of those countries that are more developed bringing significant investment to the national economies of the recipient countries, including their education systems. Moreover, this type of migration significantly increases the consumption of goods and services.
Among the East Asian countries, Ukrainian students often choose China, South Korea and Japan. In addition, in recent years the countries of Asia have become attractive for Ukrainian young people due to not only the exotic nature and resorts, but also the opportunity to earn well and be provided with continuous professional development.
Key facts for international students in Seoul. – Retrieved from:
WHY STUDY IN JAPAN? – Retrieved from:
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