Why do we need word embedding, it’s properties and future directions.
Natural language processing (hereinafter – NLP) with deep learning is an important combination in the modern world. Using word vector representations and embedding layers you can train recurrent neural networks with outstanding performances in the wide variety of industries.
Word embeddings (hereinafter – WE), which encode meanings of words to low-dimensional vector spaces, have become very popular due to their state-of-the-art performances in many NLP tasks. Word embeddings are substantially successful in capturing semantic relations among words, so a meaningful semantic structure must be present in the respective vector spaces. However, in many cases, this semantic structure is broadly and heterogeneously distributed across the embedding dimensions making interpretation of dimensions a real challenge.
The goal of word-embedding algorithms is, therefore, to embed words with the meaning based on their similarity or relationship with other words. There are a lot of applications made possible by word embeddings, also we can learn from the way researchers approached the problem of deciphering natural language for machines.
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