International terrorism: causes and consequences


  • Hanna Herasimova Vasyl‟ Stus Donetsk National University


Over the past decades, terrorism has undoubtedly overcome one of the most dangerous problems of humanity. In the middle of the XX century terrorism was considered a local phenomenon, but at the end of the century it had captured most of the world. Now, there is almost no place left on Earth where terrorism is not infiltrated. Terrorist acts took place on every continent. Of course, not all countries have committed acts of international terrorism, but this does not diminish the danger of the phenomenon itself. The more cartography of national terrorism is spreading, the greater is the threat of its transformation into an international one. The problem of international terrorism represents a real threat to the world's planetary scale. Terrorism is among the most dangerous and hard-to-forecast phenomena of modernity, which is becoming increasingly diverse in forms and threatening scales.


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I. Political sciences, historical studies and archaeology