Factors for the development of London Smart City
Globalization and rapid technological transformations are changing the world economic structure. They cause significant transformations in the driving forces of regionalization and contribute to the formation of Smart City. They change the structure of connections between the leading centers of the world economic system. The topic is particularly relevant, as the world has recently begun to implement Smart City policies.
Мохаммед А. Развитие городов: лучшие практики и мировые тенденции / А. Мохаммед, Ю. Аммосов, А. Амирджанян, Е. Ачкасов. Национальный доклад Urban-practice. 2011. 325 с.
London’s “Smart City” Strategy. LYAC Research Brief [Eletronic resource]. Retrieved from : https://lyac.ca/2018/01/08/londons-smart-city-strategy/.
Smart cities. Ranking of European medium-sized cities [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from : http://www.smart-cities.eu/download/smart_cities_final_report.pdf.
Smarter London Together [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from : https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/smarter_london_together_v1.66__published.pdf.