Historical and economic development of the Korean federation


  • Bohdanа Kleshchenko Vasyl‟ Stus Donetsk National University


In 1950, the Korean peninsula was divided into North and South Korea. Since then, both countries have been developing in drastically different ways. However, nowadays the leaders of these countries are trying to restore cooperation. Korea plays an important role in the structure of international trade, so it is necessary to analyse the consequences of a possible unification. Besides, the rapid development of South Korea is also an important aspect, as it used to be one of the developing countries. The Korean “economic miracle” is an example of balanced policies and effective reforming. Thus, the study of the historical stages of the development of North and South Korea is of particular relevance due to the problematic issues of the establishment of the Korean state, its division into North and South Korea, the various vectors of development of both states.


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IІ. Economic sciences