Glossary of terms of Construction Grammar


  • Karina Adamusik Vasyl‟ Stus Donetsk National University


The grammar of construction, or Construction Grammar (CG), is a relatively new branch of linguistics. Today it has become widespread around the world, but, unfortunately, is not very well-known in Ukraine. With respect to the spread of the Сonstruction Grammar popularity among Ukrainian linguists in recent years, the problem of unification and standardization of terminology in this field of science has acquired particular urgency. The object of the paper is the terminological system of Сonstruction Grammar, and the subject is the peculiarities of the terms functioning in special texts and the principles of compiling and structuring a glossary. Objective of the paper is to discuss the general peculiarities of compiling a glossary of terms in Сonstruction Grammar.


Goldberg A. E. Constructions: A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure / A. E. Goldberg. University of Chicago Press. 1 edition. March 15. 1995. 271 p.

Mirjam F. Construction Grammar / F. Mirjam. A. Alexiadou & T. Kiss. Handbook of syntax (2nd ed.). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2015. p. 974–1003.

Ситар Г.В. Синтаксичні фразеологізми в розрізі конструкційної граматики: монографія : [науковий і відповідальний редактор А. П. Загнітко]

/ Г. В. Ситар. Вінниця: ТОВ «Нілан-ЛТД». 2017. 458 с.






ІІІ. Philological sciences