Phraseological units on denotation of mental abilities of a human


  • Kristina Sytnyk Vasyl‟ Stus Donetsk National University


Phraseology units in our speech are the bright means of vividness, emotionality and expressivity. Ukrainian phraseology, acting as an active component of communicative acts, is also a means of displaying the national culture of the people, its mentality. In order to identify figurative representations, the component of phraseology is analyzed in the designation of human intellectual activity. Particular attention is paid to semantically supporting words, because they set the topic, simulate imagery, and the components that are combined with them give new information and clarify the shades of meaning [2: 63]. The source base of the study consists of 116 PU for the denotation of human mental abilities, selected through a continuous examination of the phraseological dictionary of the Ukrainian language. Materials of the research can be used in the school course on the Ukrainian language during the study of the topic "Phraseology", author's optional programs in the Ukrainian language in general education institutions of different levels etc.


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ІІІ. Philological sciences