The united nations security council in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic politicization


  • Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University


The United Nations Security Council (further – the UNSC) has become one of the most important intergovernmental international institutions, which is involved in resolving the COVID-19 pandemic as a transboundary biological threat to humanity. At the same time, the institution's activities in 2020 were significantly influenced by the global COVID-19 pandemic politicization process, which manifested in the intentional manipulation of the current pandemic by its Member States to realize foreign policy interests and use the institution's sessions to promote its vision of dealing with the problem. As a result, due to the lack of attention to consensus-building on a common approach to preventing the spread of the virus in the early stages of the pandemic, the UNSC has become the focus of the politicization of the current pandemic, and its ineffective activities have become the subject of political debate about the institution's real ability to address similar potential global biological and other types of threats in the future.

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I. Political sciences, international relations, historical studies and archaeology