Gender features of intonation contours


  • Iryna Sobko Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University


In modern linguistics, the anthropocentric approach to the study of linguistic phenomena directs researchers to establishing the models of language functions taking into account the human worldview in particular. In this approach, speech is a product of a person's view of the world through the prism of the evaluation category. The features identification of verbalizing roles, norms, and values that society assigns to men and women takes the predominant place in sociolinguistic research on the modernization of the evaluation category. The relevance of the study determines the emphasis of modern linguistics on the study of speech phenomena in terms of the interaction of language and society, where speech is a product of an individual‘s gender behavior. Experimental phonetic study of intonation contours in the gender aspect contributes to the understanding of the differences between the intonation of men‘s and women‘s speech contours.


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ІІІ. Philological sciences