Translation strategies in the rendition of the sonnet “The Human Seasons” by keats and the “Sonnet v” by Shakespeare


  • Ayana Tolymbekova IEC KAU
  • Dilnaz Dzhambakieva IEC KAU


The paper deals with the lingual-stylistic analysis of the sonnets by Keats and Shakespeare, ―The Human Seasons‖ and ―Sonnet V‖ respectively. The sonnets of both poets attract the readers with their similar topic of ―human essence‖; the usage of figurative language and the awesome beauty of their soundness. Due to these facts, the current work makes attempts to analyze the closest to the original translations of the mentioned sonnets. Literary work is a special world where special rules of perception and understanding of it exist. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what a poet wanted to say in his work, so analysis is helpful. The main task of translation is the creation of the translation that, in terms of its functional characteristics, is capable to render the original text. Translation of poetic forms is the most difficult type of translation, since the translator must convey all the thoughts and emotions of the author in verse. Conversion and a large number of short words in English can cause difficulties in translation of poems from English into Russian. The purpose of turning to the chosen poems can be explained by the similarity of the topics covered in them.


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ІІІ. Philological sciences