Reasons and attitude towards the existence of corruption in Ukraine


  • Daria Klapoushchak Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University


Corruption is a negative social phenomenon and the source of economic, political and social risks born by Ukrainian society. Notably, the damaging effect of corruption manifests itself in the decline of the prestige and credibility of the authority on all levels, destruction of moral pillars of society, the merger of the corrupt public officials with criminal shadow circles, and the threat of the development of pseudo civilian relations. The effect of the social aspects of corruption is evident in the political, economic, cultural and other areas of activity of the Ukrainian society, and its scale has reached almost a critical extent. The currently observed impact of corruption on the administrative and social environment of civil servants, the transformation of their moral norms and values, and the corporate culture of civil service is substantial.


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IV. Pedagogical, legal and natural sciences