Memuaristics of the Versailles system of international relations development in the context of the neoreality approaches


  • Anna Otsvera Vasyl‟ Stus Donetsk National University


In their attempts to understand the new system of international relations historians, political scientists and internationalists trying to find their optimal and effective conceptual support resorted to comparisons, the construction of historical parallels, and finding analogies with the past international systems. We can say that the Versailles system here serves as a benchmark, since the Paris Conference laid the foundations for the functioning of the first truly global system. At the same time, the question arises of what laid the foundation for post-war world order – the situational pragmatic interests of the victorious countries or the fundamental human democratic values? If to resort to the construction of historical parallels, then the dilemma of interests versus value and now largely determines the image of the modern world order. To answer this question, let's turn to memoirs, because, in my opinion, their subjectivity will help to identify those characteristic features of the process of world-building, which cannot be seen in official sources.


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I. Political sciences, historical studies and archaeology