Central Africa’s place in the foreign policy of developed countries.


  • Tetiana Turko Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
  • M.O. Zamikula Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University


The African section is not a disconnected period of history of the international relations of the XIX - XX centuries. There have been issued a lot of books and articles about Africa and the problems of its development, a number of studies have been conducted so far. There are many various viewpoints on this subject. When we are told about Africa’s countries, we imagine indigent countries with penniless population, where banditry, terrorism, civil wars, constant ethnic conflicts and lack of prospects prevail and thrive. Africa is unlikely to be going through the best times, but it has all the necessary criteria to break into the international arena. One can often come across the articles with the leading idea that Africa has lost its charm after the Cold War. If to regard the situation like that, then what is better for us to say about China, the US, Brazil and India that are quite successful on their continents? Despite Africa’s advantageous location in international relations, its potential, its destiny is vague. Why did it get into slavery? Why is it an attractive continent right now? To answer these questions, to understand the essence of today’s relationships, we should infuse ourselves into history.

Author Biographies

Tetiana Turko, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

3d year student, Faculty of History, Specialism International Relations

M.O. Zamikula, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

PhD in History, Ass. Prof.


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Historical studies, political and legal sciences