The problems and implications of international migration for donor countries.


  • Anastasia Filipishyna Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University


In recent decades one of the most significant trends in the development of international economic relations has become the rapid growth of the role of the population international migration. It is not only about the quantitative indicators of this phenomenon, but also the emergence of new qualitative features which are expressed, above all, in the global nature of international migration covering, to some degree, all countries of the world. Another major feature of international migration is the overwhelming and growing importance of various forms of migration for economic reasons due to several factors:
- the growing economic gap between developing and developed countries;
- the demographic imbalance between the countries of the North and the South which is a powerful incentive for emigration;
- improving communications and transport systems allowing information, goods and people to move freely and quickly, even between very distant territories;
- the activities of international institutions as well as TNCs which play a major role in the development of international migration;
- development of social ties, international marriages, reunification of families and the formation of a world system of mutual assistance.

Author Biography

Anastasia Filipishyna, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

3rd year student, Faculty of Economics, Specialism “International Economic Relations”


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Economic sciences