Family institution in migration processes of Ukrainian citizens to the Federal Republic of Germany.


  • Anna Shkodych Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University


Family institution is the main carrier of cultural samples, as well as the necessary condition for socialization of an individual. Rules, customs and traditions of a family life differ by their originality and are specific for every society. The research of adjustment and realization of a Ukrainian family as a unit of Family Institution in the Federal Republic of Germany with its own customs and totally different social principles is an obligatory element in participation of family in migration processes.

Theoretical research of the phenomenon of migration is an integral part of modern political science since this process covers all states in the world. The analyses of theoretical and factual figures of family migration and the adjustment of individuals, who form the family, to German culture will let us look at the process of migration through Family Institution prism.

Author Biography

Anna Shkodych, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

2nd year student, Faculty of History, Specialism “International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studios”


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Political and legal sciences, historical studies