Radical Islamism as a destabilizing factor in the system of international relations.
The urgency of the problem under consideration is in the fact that in our time the problem of radical religions in the world remains relevant. It remains one of the major destabilizing security factors on the world stage. An example of this is terrorism, which the advanced powers are fighting to this day. At the same time, the emphasis is on Islamic radicalism as the main source of the terrorist threat in modern conditions. Object of research – ideology of Muslim radicalism. Subject of the study – а complex set of relations within the Muslim world, which leads to the radicalization of the respective communities.
As a result, there is a phenomenon when the state takes a leap from the third world country to attempts to talk to the world through terrorist attacks, imposing its faith, views and ideas. Chronological framework – ХХ–ХXI centuries. Geographic framework – the countries of the so-called Islamic world, in which the corresponding religion is the dominant (mainly – the states of the Middle East).
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