Ways of translating the names of fairy-tale characters.


  • Oksana Batsalay Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University


The question of transferring proper names is a great realm for conducting the most diverse researches, since there exists the full and absolute list of methods of translating proper nouns, directions and explanations. Still it’s rather difficult to render the idea and the form from the source language by means of another language. This paper focuses on the most common methods in translation of the bulk of proper names in detail. However, due to the diversity of these linguistic units and their individual characteristics, techniques for the transference of proper names into the language of translation can be modified and collide with each other.

Author Biography

Oksana Batsalay, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

3d year student, Faculty of Philology, Specialism “Applied Linguistics”


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Philological sciences