Features of elderly people’s slang.
The study of slang is not only of interest to linguists, because young people of every age group want to study and use in their speech such units that can become a means of understanding and communication among people of the same age category. Slang is undergoing constant changes and transformations, that is why new words and slang units appear to replace existing ones. It is a certain language formation that can disappear as quickly as it is created. Slang is a phenomenon which is inherent in every living language and a sign of constant development.References
Mencken H. L. The American Language / H. L. Mencken. – N. Y.: A. A. Knopf, 1992. – 206 s.
Slang – informal speech. Russian-English Dictionary. – Collins, 2000. – 564 s.
Hehl H. Lexikon der Jugendsprache / H. Hehl. – Leipzig: Mutton de Grutier, 2006. – 112 s.
Slang and Informal English [Electronic resource]. – Retrieved from: https://2qdocg2za8g336a8w21fo83z-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wpcontent/uploads/free/Free-Sample-Slang-and-Informal-English-E-Book.pdf