Cyprus conflict: history and modern times


  • Vasyl‟ Stus Donetsk National University


The Greek-Turkish territorial conflict in the Republic of Cyprus has been one of the most difficult situations in the Eastern Mediterranean region for more than forty years. At the same time, the “Cyprus Dispute” remains one of the largest regional problems within the European Union, as Cyprus has become a full member of the united European community since 2004. The problem is complicated by the fact that armed collision between the Greco-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot communities during the active phase was accompanied by numerous victims on the both sides, including civil population. Third parties have been involved in the Cyprus question, as the Turkish Republic and the Hellenic Republic. In its turn, the European Union, as an actor, historically makes a significant contribution to the attempt to resolve the Greek-Turkish conflict. Rather complicated at the present stage relations between the EU and Turkey, which have undergone special cooling in recent years, affect regulation of the problem. Despite the fact, that the “Cyprus dispute” was settled by the joint efforts of the United Nations and the uropean Union, which strive to help the two communities of Cyprus, the tensions between the Cypriot Greeks and the Cypriot Turks still lasts.

Thus, the Greek-Turkish territorial conflict in the Republic of Cyprus remains an acute problem of regional security, and the issue of its diplomatic regulation is relevant to the present moment.


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I. Political sciences, historical studies and archaeology