From “fake news” to “fake history”: “the sun of ruthenian land” and information warfare


  • Kyrylo Mieliekiestsev Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University


This article concerns rampant falsification of a quote from the hagiographic text ―Life of Alexander Nevsky‖ on Russian popular science and culture websites to promote a specific interpretation of Ruthenian history, along with promoting related current political stances, such as Kremlin authoritarianism and general anti-Western sentiment. Furthermore, it shows how the current historical paradigm in the Russian Federation is centered on appropriating Ukraine‘s old Ruthenian history, rather than studying the actual regional history of Muscovy‘s own central historical regions.

Біографія автора

Kyrylo Mieliekiestsev, Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University

PhD in History, Senior Lecturer


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I. Political sciences, international relations, historical studies and archaeology