The role of the united nations in the Syrian conflict.


  • Volodymyr Shchebyvok Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University


Armed conflicts pose a significant threat to humanity as a result of possible expansion of many participants in the context of globalization, the development of environmental disasters, and the negative humanitarian consequences associated with an increase in the number of refugees.

Today internal conflicts have become interstate, but the change in the nature of conflicts does not mean reducing their international influence. As a result of the globalization processes and those problems that conceal conflicts at the end of the XX – beginning of the XXI century, the emergence of a large number of refugees in other countries, as well as the involvement of many states and international organizations in their settlement, intra-state conflicts are international in nature.

Біографія автора

Volodymyr Shchebyvok, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

4th year student, Faculty of History, Specialism
“International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studios”


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Political and legal sciences, historical studies