Settlement of Ukraine-Russia economic disputes: Naftogaz versus Gazprom.
During the past century up to now the international economic relations have played the crucial role in creating a new post-war world order. Maintaining peaceful political, trading and economic relationships with the neighbor states is enormously important under the economic development of every country, and Ukraine in particular. In June 2014, Gazprom and state-owned Naftogaz lodged multibillion-dollar claims against each other with the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, which resolves commercial disputes. Due to the deteriorating relations between Kyiv and Moscow since Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the start of Russia-backed separatist violence in Ukraine’s Donbas region the issue is becoming extremely topical.Посилання
Контракт №КП от 19 января 2009 года между Открытым акционерным обществом «Газпром» и Национальной акционерной компанией «Нафтогаз Украины» купли-продажи природного газа в 2009-2019 годах [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : K
ontrakt №KP ot 19 yanvaria 2009 hoda miezhdu Otkryrym aktsionernym obshchestvom “Gazprom” i Natsionalnoi aktsionernoi kompaniei “Naftogaz Ukrainy” kupli-prodazhy prirodnoho haza v 2009-2019 hodah [Contract №KP of 19 January, 2009 between the Public Joint-Stock Company “Gazprom” and the National Joint-Stock Company “Naftogaz Ukrainy” for Buying-Selling Natural Gas in 2009- 2019]. – Retrieved from : [in Russian].
Стокгольмський арбітраж : «Нафтогаз» домігся компенсації від «Газпрому» [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу :
Stokholmskyi arbitrazh : “Naftogaz” domihsia kompensatsii vid “Gazpromu” [The Stockholm Arbitration: Naftogaz Gained Compensation from Gazprom]. – Retrieved from : [in Ukrainian].
Ukraine’s Naftogaz Claims $2.5 Billion Victory in Legal Battle with Gazprom. – Retrieved from :