The rule of legal principle: general theoretical description.


  • Oleksandra Yevtushok Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University


The process of development of the world’s legal system, including Ukrainian one, functions with the help of the best law achievements of mankind. It is necessary not only to accelerate the implementation of the law achievements, but to start the exploration of the general law ambushes of this process, that means to carry out the general theoretical analysis for the success achieving in the reforming of the legal system of Ukraine.

Reviling the characteristics of the Rule of Law as one of its variety, determination of its place in the system of the Rule of Law and filling with the relevant content are to clarify the concept of the general notion and nature of the Principles of Law. These things will help us to fully explore the Rule of Legal Principle in Ukraine.

Біографія автора

Oleksandra Yevtushok, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

1st year student, Faculty of Law, Specialism “Law”


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Political and legal sciences, historical studies