Comparative aspect of phraseologisms with zoosemic component in the Ukrainian and English languages.


  • Tetiana Chyrenko Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University


Study of the theoretical and applied problems of the secondary semiotic system appearing in Ukrainian phraseology is popular now. The data and conduct comparative study of zoomorphic code in Ukrainian and English must be supplemented; the specificity of the zoomorphic code of the phraseological unit culture in both languages must be determined. The research materials can be used in a school course at Ukrainian and English lessons on “phraseology” copyright optional programs with Ukrainian and English languages in secondary schools of different levels and so on.

Біографія автора

Tetiana Chyrenko, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

3rd year student, Faculty of Philology, Specialism “Applied Linguistics”


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Philological sciences