Machine translation with the use of deep learning.


  • Yelyzaveta Timchenko Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University


Deep learning is one of many methods of machine learning that is based on training the data characteristics. Nowadays when considering deep learning we can distinguish three of its historical stages. The first one is related to cybernetics and dates back to the 1940–1960’s, when the theory of biological education was developed and the first models, including the perceptron, which allowed one neuron to be trained, were implemented. The second phase of the 1980–1990’s period is associated with the connectionist approach when the backpropagation method was applied to train a neural network with one or two hidden layers. The third stage – deep learning – started around 2006.

Біографія автора

Yelyzaveta Timchenko, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

2nd year student, Faculty of Philology, Master’s Program, Specialism “Applied Linguistics”


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Philological sciences