Intonational phraseologisms of the ukrainian language.
The phraseology as a special linguistic discipline is characterized by the wide range of problems that are studied within its limits. It explores the specifics of phraseological units, the features of its sign function, structural and semantic peculiarities, which are manifested in the main features of phraseological stability and reproducibility, examines the nature of the components of phraseology, the semantic and morphological structure of phraseological conversions, the nature of their syntactic connection with other units of language and forms implementation in the broadcast. Nowadays, one of the least investigated aspects of PUs is their intonational design, the clarification of the role of intonation in formation.
Firstly, traditionally phraseologisms are explored mainly on the basis of written sources, attracting information of phraseological dictionaries. Since in the written texts the intonational properties of phraseologisms are not explicitly embodied, they remain beyond the attention of the researchers. [2: 243].
Secondly, the study of the material side of the language (the height of the main tone of the voice, the strength (intensity), the duration of individual parts of the statement, the speed of their proclamation (tempo), pause and timbre) are traditionally considered as the subject of a special linguistic discipline – experimental phonetics. Intonational registration of phraseological units as a special unit of language was not a topic of scientific researches, but certain aspects of this problem were partially investigated in the works of well-known domestic scientists, and also became the reason for a special study of these issues.
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